United Methodist Church


Mount Nittany Church is a welcoming and loving multi-generational group of Christ followers who seek the living realities of God’s kingdom in our daily lives. We believe Christ calls us into community, reaching far beyond the walls of a building, where we can share the love of Christ and make the world a better place for all people. Our worship style is casual, and you can expect a blend of traditional and contemporary worship music, sound preaching and genuine fellowship. We live stream our services on Facebook: Mt Nittany Church


Mount Nittany Church has a host of ministries, teams and committees led by dedicated and diverse men and women who are passionate about sharing their spiritual gifts with the church, the community and the world. If you are interested in joining a ministry team, email Pastor Mike.


Meet more of our staff HERE...


Administrative Board
The Administrative Board plans and implements the programs and ministry of the local church as well as oversees the administration of the church. The board is composed of the chairs of their respective committees and an at-large member.  
Chair: James Beatty


Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees supervises and maintains church property and equipment and plans and sets policies for the use of the property and equipment.   
Chair: Dave Spotts


Finance Committee
The finance committee administers the finances and serves as the treasurer of the denomination. As such it receives and disburses all general funds. The general agencies are accountable to the Administrative Board of their fiscal administration.
Chair: Pat Weaver


Staff-Parish-Pastor Relations Committee
The SPPRC Committee cares for the pastor and staff and their families; promotes unity in the church; develops job descriptions for and annually reviews church staff; identifies and encourages staff development; and set policy for hiring, contracting, evaluating, promoting, retiring, and dismissing staff personnel who are not subject to episcopal appointment as ordained clergy.
Chair: Bob Kidder


Worship Committee
The Worship Committee works with the pastor and minister of music to organize and design special opportunities for worship that will help the congregation experience their relationship with God, grow in the knowledge of God, and help them live more faithfully as a Christian community. The Worship Committee work areas are: acolytes, ushers, lectors, Communion servers, home Communion, altar guild, and the tech team.
Chair: James Beatty


Memorial Committee
The Memorial Committee is responsible for maintaining a record of memorial contributions to the church; assuring the use of contributions in accordance with church policy; and recommending and implementing appropriate uses for memorial funds.
Chair: Bonnie Spotts


Membership Committee
The Membership Committee works with the pastor to keep accurate records for all membership rolls including new members and those to be removed from the rolls.
Chair: Lori Williams


Missions Committee
The Missions Committee coordinates the planning and implementation of a comprehensive ministry for involving the congregation in mission; connects with organizations, people, and resources in and beyond the congregation that are concerned with mission; guides the congregation in worship and fellowship that highlights mission in events such as mission studies and speakers; and provides regular opportunities for children, youth, and adults to engage in service projects.


Education Committee
The Education Committee designs and guides the educational program in the life of the church; identifies and recruits teachers for Sunday School and other educational programs; oversees the education budget and orders material for use in the education program of the church; encourages regular teacher training for those in the education program; promotes and plans Christian Education Sunday; and promotes and encourages the participation of all persons in the educational life of the church.   
Chair: Patty DeCapria


The Banquet Committee plans, organizes and implements church banquet events and coordinates contracting facilities and staffing for public and private events.
Chair: Wendy Franklin


Special Events  
The Special Events Committee identifies and organizes opportunities and needs in the church to help grow discipleship, learning and fellowship through events.